
Showing posts from December, 2019

midterm submission

  The photo I used on the cover page is Madeline Wasowicz in her game uniform this ties into the article because it is about girls soccer from her perspective. The title is because it is sports teams in Sarasota. The other photos that are in the magazine are from an away game that I took using a camera. On page 3 the two photos are actions shots from the game one dribbling in a game and the other one is right after a throw in. On page 4 the soccer ball ties in because it is the ball they use in soccer and it shows a vivid close up. The last photo on page 4 is some of the team walking off the field after the game. All the layouts were based around how the pictures would look and to make sure that they didn't look to stretched.

camera shots activity

High-Angle Shot  Low-Angle Shot  Wide Shot Extreme Close-up Canted Angle Mid-Shot

flat plan

I think some of the articles I have listed on my flat plan that will engage my reader are the dieting trends and workout clothing that will be recommended. Also, I think that the different ab and leg workouts will be engaging for the athletes who will read this magazine.

schedule interviews and development questions

I will be interviewing center midfielder Madeline Wasowicz who is on the Sarasota High Varsity soccer team. The way I scheduled this interview was by asking my fellow teammate if she would like to talk about the sport she loves to play. We decided a day that would be good and we meet at the soccer field so she could answer a few questions. 1. What do you most like about playing soccer? 2.What are the roles and responsibilities you take on as being team captain? 3.How do you think the coaches have helped the soccer team? 4.What are the strengths and weaknesses that the team has? 5.As a senior would you like to continue soccer in college? All of these  questions are important because it asks Madeline about her personal feelings as a player on the team and basically giving an insight of what its like. Also, it is important for the reader to know how the coaches have changed the soccer program over the years.

cover template

My group came up with this title "Sota Sports" by talking about logos around our school. Then we decided that we are doing a sports magazine about the sports around our school. The large orange "S" is a statement letter that leads into sota and sports. We used the specific font because it gave the varsity feel of the large "S". Also the font is very big and easy to read to shape around the photo that will be behind the words.

table of contents

I am listing the articles on this page to help the readers find the specific articles. The article page I will be listing on this section is my interview with Madeline Wasowicz. On the table of contents page I will be using about two photos of a soccer ball and other equipment. I chose those photos because it is photos of the equipment they use to play. The font I will be using is just normal font because I would like it to be easy for the readers to read the words and page numbers.

scouting locations for photo shoots

The photos I chose of the soccer field were the best I took because they were the full field with the nets in the pictures. The photos of the soccer field is where I will be having my photo shoot for my whole magazine. This is a perfect location to have a photo shoot because there will be soccer games to take action shots. These specific photos are the best because it shows the whole width and length of the soccer field. Also it shows a close up if the net where I will take photos.

schedule photo shoot

I will be using Madeline Wasowicz in my photo shoot. I chose her because she is on the soccer team and my magazine will be focusing on soccer. The pictures I will be taking of her will be her in action on the soccer field and some pictures of her posing with the soccer ball. The process I used for scheduling the photo shoot was asking my teammate on my soccer team if she would be available to be in my photo shoot. Then I told her what pictures I would want to take of her and we scheduled a day to meet up.