schedule interviews and development questions

I will be interviewing center midfielder Madeline Wasowicz who is on the Sarasota High Varsity soccer team. The way I scheduled this interview was by asking my fellow teammate if she would like to talk about the sport she loves to play. We decided a day that would be good and we meet at the soccer field so she could answer a few questions.

1. What do you most like about playing soccer?
2.What are the roles and responsibilities you take on as being team captain?
3.How do you think the coaches have helped the soccer team?
4.What are the strengths and weaknesses that the team has?
5.As a senior would you like to continue soccer in college?

All of these  questions are important because it asks Madeline about her personal feelings as a player on the team and basically giving an insight of what its like. Also, it is important for the reader to know how the coaches have changed the soccer program over the years.
