genre research- ESPN magazine

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The cover layout is very serious and his face is the main attraction to catch the eye when you are looking for something to read.  They use a nice font that makes it look unique and they also make a funny reference on the front. The articles that are included in this magazine are about baseball and the age that people are starting to play now and before professionals on pages 23 and 50. Also they have renovations happening at a high school to their football fields that cost $60 million. Some advertisements in the magazine are about snacks and baseball bats. The snack advertisements are on pages 14 and 35. The baseball equipment is on pages 8 and 70. The pictures in the magazine are all of baseball players and the new fields of high schools. The cover page has a Angels player  in the serious game mode. ESPN magazine has a distribution number of a little over 2 million because it is a lager magazine and it can be found online.
