feedback and revisions

The feedback that I got back from my teacher was mostly just placement of words and the lighting of pictures. The speech bubble at the bottom of my front page needs to be moved so its not blocking the soccer player on my front page. This will improve the front page because it will give a clear full photo on the front page. Another thing that i will be revising is the lighting of the photos on my three other pages. This will improve my magazine by making the photos clearer to see and not so dark and shadowed. I will fix this on Photoshop to lighten the photos. Also, I need to move the photos so they are positioned differently so they take up more room. I will do this by enlarging the photos and moving to the top to take up room and give it a different layout. Lastly, I need to change the backgrounds to white on the article pages and on the table of contents page I will change it to the orange watercolor like my other group members.
