CCR question #2 draft

The audience engagement magazine that I related to my magazine was that sports illustrated used the way of showing the deals you can get on membership like benefits or extra subscriptions to the magazine. Another one is having social media linked at getting bottom of the magazine's website so that the younger generations can still read their magazines but on the internet and not paper copies. Lastly, The Athletic uses other websites and puts their ads so that people will click and subscribe. From what I researched I chose to use social media to engage my audience. The application I will be using is Instagram, it will be used to post pictures of upcoming articles and previews of what the article content will be.
The traditional distribution I will be using is by catering to sports events like soccer and softball games or weightlifting and cheer events. I will promote my magazine to sports lovers. depending on the event we will promote that certain sports issue at the event.
The digital distribution I researched was social media, a website, and a pdf of the magazine. For example, The Sports Illustrated app is used to show all the stats of games and recent issues of the magazine. The website is like the app and it can show all the issues online and all the sports updates. The pdf of a magazine is a way to download a magazine without buying the physical magazine from a store.
For my distribution plan, I will be going to a sporting event where they have a lot of fans going to the game so I can promote my magazine and get more subscribers. This would attract the audience I am looking to sell to. Another option I will be utilizing is a website for my magazine. This will help people who can't get the magazine and just want to check out if the magazine is worth their money. On this website, they can find small articles, game times, and scores of games. This will make it convenient and intrigue the customer in our company.
