CCR question #3 draft

When I started my magazine I didn't have much knowledge or skills at making a magazine. For example, I had never used photoshop or InDesign before until I had to make my magazine look professional. Now that I used it I am comfortable and could do another magazine in these applications. Another skill that I used is camera use I have taken pictures before for sports and just for fun sometimes so I was comfortable using a camera but I learned a lot more information after I was taught all the angles and different buttons. Directing my model was uncomfortable for me at first but then I got used to it once I knew what I wanted to capture. The scheduling aspect of the photoshoots was easy because I knew when the girl's soccer team was practicing and had games so I just had to contact the model to tell them what time to be ready. But I improved at this by making sure that the location you are planning on the shooting is empty for just you and the models.
