
Showing posts from October, 2019

project selection- My decision

I have chosen to do the magazine project. I chose to do this project because it will be a new thing that I can learn and maybe use later in life. Some skills that i possess that i can contribute to the magazine project would be my photography skills which will help with the photo shoot. Another, skill I can contribute would be my ability to interview people with questions about the certain topic our magazine will focus on. Some of the factors that went into deciding that I wanted to create a magazine were the fact that we get to make an outline for the whole magazine and being able to do a photo shoot. For the magazine project we will be creating the first 4 pages with some advertising and information on the topic. The genre that I was interested in would be a sports magazine. I will be working in a group with 3 other people. My group members are very skillful and can critically research and create questions for an interview and are very creative. We will let everyone in the group do s

project selection-film

Some aspects of the film production process that interest me are the different techniques of editing film. Some of the editing I would be interested in are the fading and zooming. Something else I learned in class was the ability to have a voice over. Some skills I possess are being able to work a camera and the ability to write a script. These are useful because the camera shots need to steady and clear. Also, the people acting need to know what they will be saying in the film. The editing of clips and transitions will be a challenge for me in the film project. These will be a challenge because I have never worked with the editing software are producing a movie at all. The filming will be also be a challenge because you have to have the right lighting and make check if the sound can be heard.

project selection- magazine

Some aspects of print journalism that interests me are the different designing techniques. Also, I am interested in the interview and photo shoots. Some skills that I possess that would be vital to the magazine project would be my ability to write about new topics that I research. This is important because in the magazine project I will have to interview someone about the topic we choose to put into our magazine. Another skill that would be useful would be my photography skills. I enjoy taking photos and could take them for our photo shoots for the magazine. Some aspects that might be a challenge are meeting certain deadlines. This is because we might get behind or our guest who we are interviewing doesn't show up or isn't reliable. To continue, I am not good at brainstorming when we have to think about ideas to write about.