
Showing posts from April, 2020

final submission

I was not able to do final revisions for my magazine due to a lack of technology to update my photos. I was also not able to meet with my models to shoot the pictures because we are not allowed to interact with others at the moment. But if I could have the technology and ability to meet with my group and models I would have done a reshoot to get better quality pictures. I would have also made sure that my group had the same house style of the magazine to look like there are multiple issues to the magazine. 

creative critical reflection

CCR question #4 draft

While I was making my magazine I used specific techniques that made my magazine look professional. First, I used a Canon EOS camera to take pictures of the soccer games and the soccer players that were modeling for my magazine. While I was using the Canon I used the sports mode on the camera so that I could capture the action shots during the game. I also made sure that the lighting on the camera was dimmed so that the large lights didn't blur my photos. To edit my photos I used Adobe Photoshop to lighten the photos and to crop them to the right size that would fit the magazine pages. The brightening tool helped to make them more visible on the model in the photo and the shaper tool made sure that the photos fit on the page and that nothing important was cut out.

CCR question #3 draft

When I started my magazine I didn't have much knowledge or skills at making a magazine. For example, I had never used photoshop or InDesign before until I had to make my magazine look professional. Now that I used it I am comfortable and could do another magazine in these applications. Another skill that I used is camera use I have taken pictures before for sports and just for fun sometimes so I was comfortable using a camera but I learned a lot more information after I was taught all the angles and different buttons. Directing my model was uncomfortable for me at first but then I got used to it once I knew what I wanted to capture. The scheduling aspect of the photoshoots was easy because I knew when the girl's soccer team was practicing and had games so I just had to contact the model to tell them what time to be ready. But I improved at this by making sure that the location you are planning on the shooting is empty for just you and the models.

CCR question #2 draft

The audience engagement magazine that I related to my magazine was that sports illustrated used the way of showing the deals you can get on membership like benefits or extra subscriptions to the magazine. Another one is having social media linked at getting bottom of the magazine's website so that the younger generations can still read their magazines but on the internet and not paper copies. Lastly, The Athletic uses other websites and puts their ads so that people will click and subscribe. From what I researched I chose to use social media to engage my audience. The application I will be using is Instagram, it will be used to post pictures of upcoming articles and previews of what the article content will be. The traditional distribution I will be using is by catering to sports events like soccer and softball games or weightlifting and cheer events. I will promote my magazine to sports lovers. depending on the event we will promote that certain sports issue at the event. The di

CCR question #1 draft

For the use of conventions on the front cover, I took a photo of a female soccer player this picture took up the while front cover to show that soccer was the main topic of the magazine issue. It also took up the whole page to grab the reader's attention. The other photos on the article pages are to show what happened in a soccer game to give a visual. The color scheme I used was to attract the reader's eyes with the orange, white, and black colors to represent the Sarasota high school colors. The font goes along with the color because the font on the front cover and the subtitles are supposed to catch your eye to intrigue you. The front cover title is shaped around the photo in large font this makes the eyes search the page. The photoshoots that led to these pictures to display the life of a female soccer player were taken at the soccer field at Sarasota high school where they were before there game. they also had their uniform on because their game was soon and in long sleeve